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Iqamah meaning in English with transliteration and Arabic text


Iqamah is the shorter Adhan, which is given inside the mosque in a lower voice, alerting the Muslims about starting Salah. Iqamah can given by the Muezzin or anyone standing behind the imam, and is perceived mandatory.

This blog will highlight the meaning of Iqamah with its Englsih translation and translation. We will also mentioned the importance of saying Iqamah before Salah from Sahih Hadith.

Iqamah Meaning

Iqamah in Arabic

اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ ، اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلَهَ إِلا اللَّهُ، أَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ، حَيَّ عَلَى الصَّلاةِ، حَيَّ عَلَى الْفَلاحِ، قَدْ قَامَتْ الصَّلَاةُ ، قَدْ قَامَتْ الصَّلَاةُ، اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ ، اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ، لا إِلَهَ إِلا اللَّهُ

Iqamah in Englsih tansliteration

Here is the English transliteration of Iqamah.

Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, ash-hadu alla ilāha illallāh, ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasūlullāh, hayya ‘alas-salāh, hayya ‘alal-falāh, qad qāmatis-salāh, qad qāmatis-salāh, Allāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar, lā ilāha illallāh.

Iqamah with English translation

Here is the translation of Iqamah, which we should know.

Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Hasten to prayer, hasten to success. The prayer has been established, the prayer has been established. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. There is no god but Allah.

Iqamah meaning

Iqamah is an Arabic word that has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. In this context, Iqamah means ‘to establish.’

If you have been to a mosque, Iqamah is recited after the Imam has taken his place at the minbar. This defines the literal meaning of Iqamah, which is to establish straight lines to offer Salah.

Now, we come to the metaphorical meaning of Iqamah, which is to recite the short Adhan. We have mentioned the short Adhan above, which is recited slowly and quickly before the Imam states Salah. Here is the dua you should recite after listening to Adhan.

What is importance of saying Iqamah before Salah?

Iqamah is the final call to Salah, after which Muslims fall straight lines, and the Imam pronounces Takbir and starts Salah. This practice is followed from the days of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and is one of the prominent features in offering Salah in the mosque.

Why is Iqamah important?

Reciting Iqamah quickly before starting Salah is prescribed by the Holy Propeht (PBUH). Therefore, it is a Sunnah to say it before Salah in the mosque. Here is the dua for entering the masjid.

Secondly, by saying Iqamah, all Muslims are invited to offer Salah in congregation. The Muzzin can not say Iqamah before the arrival of the Imam.

Hadith: Jabir bin Samurah narrated: The Mu’adh-dhin of Allah’s Messenger would wait and he would not call the Iqamah until he saw the Allah’s Messenger had come out, he would call the Iqamah when he saw him.” —Sunan Ibn Majah 934

Explanation: This Hadith tells us that the muzzin would wait for the Holy Prophet  (PBUH) in the mosque before calling Iqamah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the Imam of his time, and this Hadith gave us the message to the believers to call Iqamah after they see the Imam and not before him.

How is Iqamah different from Adhan?

Adhan is called in loudspeakers in most Muslim countries, while Iqamah is recited in a normal voice. Adhan is longer than Iqamah and has almost identical words repeated twice.

We don’t raise our fingers while listening to Takbir during Iqamah. But the opposite is done when listening to Adhan. The word Assalatu khairum-minan-naum, which is part of Fajr Adhan, is not recited in Iqamah.

Assalatu khairum-minan-naum measn ‘Prayer is better than sleep.’ Why would you say prayer is better than sleep in Iqamah to someone who is already in the mosque?

The reciter of Iqamah does not turn his head to the right and left upon saying Hayya ‘alas-Salah and Hayya ‘alal-Falah, but in Adhan this practice is followed.

Adhan is called loudly and slowly, reciting the verses. However, Iqamah is called rapidly and has a slow voice. Here is the Hadith for your refrence.

Hadith: Narrated Jabir (RA): Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said to Bilal, “When you announce the Adhan, utter deliberately, and when you pronounce the Iqamah utter quickly, and leave between your Adhan and your Iqamah time for one who is eating to finish his food.” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi, who graded it Da’if (weak)]. —Bulugh al-Maram 2/59

The abovementioned Hadith is marked weak but practiced for Adhan and Iqamah in most Muslim countries.

Another difference between Adhan and Iqamah is that Muslims are allowed to run towards Salah and the mosque when they hear Iqamah called. But they are advised to walk towards mosque when Adhan is pronounced.

Hadith: It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that The Messenger of Allah said: “When the Iqamah is called for the prayer, do not come running. Come walking with tranquility. Whatever you catch up with, pray, and whatever you miss, complete it.” —Sunan Ibn Majah 775

How to say Iqamah?

You must learn and memorize the Adhna before you say Iqamah. However, here is the English transliteration of Iqmah, which you can memorize and perform while offering Salah in the congregation.

Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, ash-hadu alla ilaha illallah, ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah, hayya ‘alas-salah, hayya ‘alal-falah, qad qamatis-salah, qad qamatis-salah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illallah.

Wrap Up

So far, we have discussed the meaning of Iqamah, both literal and metaphoric. We did our best to define Iqamah in plain English, which is easy to understand by a student studying in 7th standard.

We have also mentioned relevant Hadiths to back our argument and hope you will love this article and share it with others.


How to define Iqamah?

Iqamah can be defined as the call to prayer. You can say it’s the final call by Muzzien to offer Salah, and Muslims should fall straight lines behind the Imam after the Iqamah is pronounced. We have summarized the definition of Iqamah in most easy way to be understood by Muslims and Non-Muslims.

Whats the difference between Adhan and Iqamah?

Adhan is called loudly with words stretched and extended. Iqamah is pronounced quickly and in a lower voice. Adhan is pronounced to call Muslims to the mosque, whereas Iqamah is recited to start Salah.

Which Salah does not have Iqamah?

The Salatul Janaza (Namaz e Janaza) does not have Iqamah or Adhan. Apart from that, every Obligatory prayer has Iqamah, including Salatul Eid. Here is the dua for the dead and deceased and here is a detailed on the Takbir of Eid since we have mentioned it.

Is Fajr Iqamah different than other Salah?

The Iqamah for every obligatory prayer and Eid prayer are the same. However, the Adhan is different for Fajr Salah adding Assalatu khairum-minan-naum measn ‘Prayer is better than sleep.

What is the best time to pronounce Iqamah after Adhan?

The best time is when the Imam is inside the prayer hall and ready for Salah. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that there should be some time between Adhan and Iqhama so that people can be ready to offer Salah.

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered two or four Raa’kat Sunnah between Adhan and Iqamah. Millions of Muslims practice this daily, especially in Fajr Salah. Therefore, if you are wondering about how much time between Adhan and Iqamah, it should be fifteen minutes.

Hadith: Abdullah b. Mughaffal reported Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) saying: There Is between the two calls (Adhan and Iqama) a prayer. And he mentioned it three times, and at the third time he said: This applies to those who wish to do it. —Sahih Muslim 838a

Should we leave food when Iqhama is pronounced?

Islam is the religion of nature and won’t support something against nature. You won’t be able to concentrate on Salah when you are hungry or are eating food. Therefore, it is prescribed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that people eat food and offer Salah after finishing the meal.

Hadith: It was narrated from Nafi’ that Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ‘If food is served and the Iqamah for prayer is given, then start with the food.” He said: “Ibn ‘Umar ate dinner one night while he could hear the Iqamah.”—Sunan Ibn Majah 934

What else should you know?

Here is a list of a few powerful Islamic terms you should know.


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