Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera is the supplication made by Muslims after offering obligatory Salah. The roots of this supplication lead us to the book of mosques and places of prayer in Sahih Muslim, which tells us the story of saying Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera after prayer and what its benefits are.
This article will discuss the meaning of Allahu Akbar Kabira in Arabic and English. We will also discuss the benefits of saying this supplication and whether it was prescribed by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera in Arabic
اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ كَبِيرًا وَالْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ كَثِيرًا وَسُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلاً
Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera English transliteration
Here is the English transliteration of Allahu Akbar Kabira (invocation).
Allāhu akbaru kabīrā wa al-ḥamdu lillāhi kathīrā wa subḥāna Allāhi bukratan wa aṣīlā.
Allahu Akbar Kabira translation
Here is the English translation of Allahu Akbar Kabira for a better understanding.
Allah is Most Great and much praise be to Allah and glorified be Allah at the beginning and end of the day.
What is the meaning of Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera?
Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera is an invocation that praises Allah and collects rewards and bounties in return. Why do we do it? Because Allah has asked us to praise him in the Holy Quran.
Surah Al-Hijr Verse 98: Fasabbih biḥamdi rabbika wakun mina as-sājidīn (So glorify the praises of your Lord and be one of those who ˹always˺ pray)
The invocation has three parts, which we will discuss below.
1- Allahu Akbar Kabira
The first part emphasizes the greatness of Allah beyond measure. It serves as a reminder that Allah’s power and majesty surpass all limits. As Muslims, we believe Allah is the greatest and creator of this universe. A similar invocation is Tasbeeh e Fatima, which was prescribed by the Holy Propeht (PBUH).
2- Walhamdu lillahi kathira
The second part expresses abundant gratitude and praise for Allah’s countless blessings, reflecting the believer’s continuous acknowledgment of Allah’s favors. We should always thank Allah for everything we have by saying Alhamdulillah.
3- SubhanAllah bukratan wa aseela
The third part of this invocation calls for glorifying Allah at all times by saying SubhanAllah, specifically from morning to evening, indicating that a believer should remain in a state of remembrance and devotion throughout the day. Here is the dua for the morning and before sleeping.
Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera in Hadith?
Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera has appeared in several Hadiths, some of which we have discussed below.
Hadith: It was narrated from Abdullah bin Umar that: A man stood behind the Prophet of Allah (PBUH) and said: “Allahu Akbaru kabira wal-hamdu Lillahi kathira, wa subhan-Allahi bukratan was asila.” The Prophet of Allah (PBUH) said: “Who spoke these words?” A man said: “I did, O Prophet of Allah (SWT).” He said: “Twelve angels rushed (to take them up).”—Sunan an-Nasa’i 885
In Sahih Muslim 601 and Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3592, it is transmitted that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that the doors of heaven were opened after this invocation.
Explanation: Upon hearing this invocation, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was surprised and asked who was the man reciting this. The man answered. Upon this, the Holy Propeht (PBUH) said he saw twelve angles and took the invocation while talking to Allah.
Think of this this way. How would you feel if you recited this invocation and the angels took it to Allah immediately with your name? You can also recite this invocation before dua for forgiveness and dua for success.
is Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera in Quran?
We have searched the complete Quran and couldn’t find these Arabic phrases in the Holy Quran. However, Allah has ordered the believers to praise him, which we have mentioned above.
In Surah Qaf Verse 39-40, Allah says, So be patient over what they say and exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and during part of the night exalt Him and after prostration.
These verses from Surah Qaf tell us how important it is to praise Allah, especially before sunrise and sunset. We should make it our daily habit to praise Allah every time whenever we are free.
How many times should we recite Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera?
There is no limit or number attached to Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera. However, we have found some Hadiths mentioned that the Holy Propeht (PBUH) said Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera three times and added ‘Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minash-Shaitanir-rajim, min hamzihi wa nafkhihi wa nafthihi’ after it.
Hadith: It was narrated from Ibn Jubair bin Mut’im that his father said: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) when he started the prayer. He said: ‘Allahu Akbaru kabiran, Allahu Akbaru kabiran,’ three times; ‘Al-hamdu Lillahi kathiran, al-hamdu Lillahi kathiran,’ three times; ‘Subhan Allahi bukratan wa asilan,’ three times; ‘Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minash-Shaitanir-rajim, min hamzihi wa nafkhihi wa nafthihi.” —Sunan Ibn Majah 807
Wrap Up
So far, we have discussed the meaning and benefits of reciting Allahu Akbar Kabira Walhamdulillah Kaseera. We have also mentioned the Hadiths, which transmit this invocation.
We hope you will find this guide on Allahu Akbar Kabira useful and will share it with other Muslims.
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