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Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam meaning in Arabic and English with benefits

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam is a morning dua that is recited by millions of Muslims globally on a daily basis. The basic idea behind reciting this supplication is to thank Allah for a new day as we have entered it with Islam as our religion.

This blog will highlight the meaning and benefits of reciting Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in the morning. We will also discuss Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam’s English transliteration, translation, and Arabic text.

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in Arabic

أَصْـبَحْنا علـى فِطْـرَةِ الإسْلام، وَعَلـى كَلِـمَةِ الإخْـلاص، وَعلـى دينِ نَبِـيِّنا مُحَـمَّدٍ وَعَلـى مِلَّـةِ أبينـا إِبْـراهيـمَ حَنيـفاً مُسْلِـماً وَمـا كـانَ مِنَ المُشـرِكيـن

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in English transliteration

Here is the English transliteration of Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam for those of you who cant read Arabic.

Aṣbahnā `alā fiṭrati ‘l-Islām, wa `alā kalimati ‘l-ikhlās, wa `alā dīni nabiyyinā Muḥammadin (ṣallallāhu `alayhi wa sallam), wa `alā millati abīnā Ibrāhīm, ḥanīfan Musliman wa mā kāna mina ‘l-mushrikīn.

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Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in English translation

Here is the English translation of Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam for a better understanding.

We have entered a new day upon the natural religion of Islam, the word of sincere devotion, the religion of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the faith of our Father, Ibrahim. He was upright (in worshipping Allah), and a Muslim. He was not one of those who worshipped others besides Allah.

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam meaning

The meaning of Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam is quite evident from its English translation. Basically, you are thanking Allah for giving you another day as a Muslim. You are feeling blessed upon waking up in the morning, and Islam is your religion, which is the religion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH).

Furthermore, this supplication also states that Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) was a Muslim and worshipped Allah, unlike the people of his time.

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in Hadith

The Holy Propeht (PBUH) recited ‘Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam’ in the morning. His companions have confirmed this in the following Hadiths.

Hadith: Abd ar-Rahman b. Abza said that God’s Messenger (PBUH) used to say in the morning, “We have reached the morning following the original religion of Islam, the assertion of God’s unity, the religion of our Prophet Muhammad, and the rite of our father Abraham who was a hanif and was not one of the polytheists.” —Mishkat al-Masabih 2415

Explanation: The supplication for morning has been transmitted in Hisn al-Muslim 90 and Sunan ad-Darimi Book 19, Hadith 2605.

The Holy Propeht (PBUH) recited this dua to Thank Allah for a new day as a Muslim so we can pray to him for forgiveness and collect the bounties he offers. We should also include this supplication in our daily routine, especially in the morning.

Is Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in the Holy Quran?

Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam is a three-part supplication mainly focusing on Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and the religion he preached. The religion of one God — Allah.

Following Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) has been preached in the Holy Quran, and here are the verses from which this supplication has been derived.

1- The Jews and Christians each say, “Follow our faith to be ˹rightly˺ guided.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “No! We follow the faith of Abraham, the upright—who was not a polytheist.”— Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 135

2- Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Allah has declared the truth. So follow the Way of Abraham, the upright—who was not a polytheist.” —Surah Al-Imran Verse 95

3- Indeed, We have sent revelation to you ˹O Prophet˺, as we sent revelation to Noah and the prophets after him. We also sent revelation to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants, ˹as well as˺ Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon. And to David, We gave the Psalms. —Surah An-Nisa Verse 163

4- Then We revealed to you ˹O Prophet, saying˺: “Follow the faith of Abraham, the upright, who was not one of the polytheists.” —Surah An-Nahl Verse 123

The above-mentioned Verses of the Holy Quran were mentioned in the Hadith (Mishkat al-Masabih 2415).

What are the benefits of reciting Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in the morning?

Here are the mental and spiritual benefits of reciting Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in the morning.

1– Affirmation of Faith and Identity: This supplication is a daily reaffirmation of one’s Islamic identity and purpose. By acknowledging that we awaken on the fitrah of Islam, we are reminded of its innate purity and truth, fostering a sense of peace and belonging to a community of faith.

2- Strengthens Spiritual Connection: Reciting this dhikr reminds believers of their connection to the prophetic lineage, specifically the path of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Muslims send Salwaat on both Prophets in daily prayers while reciting Salatul Ibrahimiyyah.

3- Gratitude and Positivity: Morning supplications like this one promote gratitude, as they focus the mind on divine guidance and blessings. Reciting such words encourages positivity and contentment, starting the day with a heart oriented toward faith and the remembrance of Allah. You can also recite Tasbeeh e Fatima or the 6th Kalma to start a blessed day.

4- Protection from Negative Influences: Regular recitation of morning and evening supplications is said to provide spiritual protection from negative influences, as they remind one of Allah’s presence and guidance. You can also recite the dua for laziness, dua for a good day and the dua for rizq in the morning.

5- Mental Clarity and Purpose: By orienting the mind toward a clear purpose, this supplication aids in developing focus and clarity. It grounds one’s intentions for the day in spiritual values, helping one navigate daily tasks with a sense of purpose, resilience, and consciousness of Allah’s guidance. Here is the dua for guidance and knowledge dua which can add benefits to your day.

Wrap Up

So far, we have discussed the meaning and virtues of reciting Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam in the morning. This is what the Holy Propeht (PBUH) used to do, and we should follow his Sunnah.

We have also discussed the English translation and transliteration of Asbahna Ala Fitratil Islam with Arabic text and hope you will like this guide. If you want to know about the true history of Islam, enroll in our online Islamic history course.

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